Kubernetes cheat sheet for Qserv

Check first the official k8s cheat sheet for examples of kubectl basic commands.


Get access to a Kubernetes cluster running Qserv, see Installation.

Interact with running pods

# Check a qserv instance is up and running
$ kubectl get qservs.qserv.lsst.org
NAME        AGE
qserv-dev   12h

# Get instance name
$ INSTANCE=$(kubectl get qservs.qserv.lsst.org -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}')
$ echo $INSTANCE

# Describe a pod
$ kubectl describe pods "$INSTANCE"-worker-0

# Get the containers list for a given pod
$ kubectl get pods "$INSTANCE"-worker-0 -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'

# Open a shell on mariadb container on worker qserv-0
$ kubectl exec -it "$INSTANCE"-worker-0 -c mariadb bash

Access to log files


# Get the xrootd container logs on pod czar-0
kubectl logs "$CZAR_POD" -c xrootd

# Get the previous xrootd container logs on pod czar-0
kubectl logs "$CZAR_POD" -c xrootd -p

Stern provides advanced logging management features.

Update Qserv configuration

Update Qserv configuration by updating its related k8s configmaps.

# List configmaps
$ kubectl get configmaps -l app=qserv,instance="$INSTANCE"

# Edit configmap online, i.e. directly inside etcd, the k8s database
$ kubectl edit configmaps qserv-dev-repl-ctl-etc

# Restart the pod using the configmap, in order to take in account the new configuration
$ kubectl delete po "$INSTANCE"-repl-ctl-0

# A Qserv re-install will reset the configmap, so eventually, backup the configmap locally
$ kubectl get cm "$INSTANCE"-repl-ctl-etc -o yaml > "$INSTANCE".bck.yaml

Launch commands directly on Qserv nodes

Check if pod worker-0 can connect to replication database and dump it configuration

$ kubectl exec -it "$INSTANCE"-worker-0 -c repl-wrk -- mysql -h "$INSTANCE"-repl-db -u qsreplica -e "SELECT * FROM qservReplica.config;"
| category   | param                           | value                       |
| common     | request_buf_size_bytes          | 131072                      |
| common     | request_retry_interval_sec      | 5                           |
| controller | empty_chunks_dir                | /qserv/data/qserv           |
| controller | http_server_port                | 8080                        |
| controller | http_server_threads             | 16                          |
| controller | job_heartbeat_sec               | 0                           |
| controller | job_timeout_sec                 | 57600                       |