Bump Qserv and Mariadb versions in qserv-operator

  1. In qserv source repository run:

    qserv env | grep -w QSERV_IMAGE

    This command display the Qserv image tag for the current commit in the qserv source repository.

    Replace the value of the spec.image field image tag in the file qserv-operator/manifests/base/image.yaml with the above Qserv image tag

  2. Replace QSERV_IMAGE with QSERV_MARIADB_IMAGE and spec.image with spec.dbImage in the above procedure to upagrade the Mariadb container image for this Qserv version.

  3. Commit and push to Github the changes for qserv-operator/manifests/base/image.yaml and check if CI integration tests are successfull

    If yes, it is possible then to build a release.

Build a Qserv release

Once CI integration tests are successful for qserv-operator.

  1. Create an annotated tag for Qserv, named RELEASE_TAG, based on the following template YYYY.M.D-rcX, and upgrade Qserv/Mariadb image name in qserv-operator, and commit changed to qserv-operator/manifests/base/image.yaml file.

  2. Then, create a release for qserv-operator, on main branch tip:

    ./qserv-operator/publish-release.sh <RELEASE_TAG>
  3. Perform the same operation for qserv-ingest, on main branch tip:

    ./qserv-operator/publish-release.sh <RELEASE_TAG>

Double-check that CI integration test are passing for both qserv-ingest and qserv-operator.


  • CI has to create/push an image with correct tag (??): Idea use existing images and retag them

  • Manage operatorHub